Selecting a nitrogen generator should be straightforward – but there are multiple approaches to the desired outcome. What makes the difference is that we listen! While our standard products make system selection easier, our ability to understand your application, your environment, and your users – allows us to configure a system that meets your needs. Rather than simply providing a standard product, we’ll suggest the solution that is right for your needs. Working together with you, solving your application challenges, is how Holtec will be your valued partner during the N2 generator selection process.

- Advanced PSA technology with purity up to 99.999% (Max 10 ppm O2 content)
- Perfect for lab applications and other low flow needs
- Compact design simplifies installation in a variety of indoor spaces
- Same advanced control system as our larger NitroBreeze™ Series
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Niagara™ Series

- Advanced PSA technology with purity up to 99.9995% (5 ppm O2 content)
- Flexible capacities to meet any requirement
- Full color, animated graphical user interface (HMI)
- Remote user monitoring via any browser interface (mobile, tablet, PC)
- Remote troubleshooting by factory personnel
- Automatic trend graphing of performance (real-time and historical)
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NitroBreeze™ Series

- Advanced PSA technology with purity up to 99.999% (10 ppm O2 content)
- Low to Moderate capacities, modular design
- Installation is a breeze! Fits through standard 36” man doors
- Purpose driven design — fully plug and play
- Easy “One-Touch” operation
- Password protected screens for advanced maintenance requirements
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Amazon™ Series

- Continuous flow membrane technology
- Steady Flow / Steady State process
- N2 Purities up to 99.5% (0.5% O2 content)
- Flexible capacities to meet any requirement
- Easy connectivity to plant control systems (DCS)
- Limited mechanical components for reduced complexity
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Spirit™ Series

- Continuous flow membrane technology
- Extremely small footprint for ease of integration
- Design flexibility to meet extremely varied application demands
- Low to moderate capacities
- N2 purities up to 99.5% (0.5% O2 content)
- No electronics — just pipe inlet and outlet to your process (an easy solution to hazardous area requirements)
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