AirSequal compressor automation reaches new heights in automation capabilities and redefines what energy efficiency looks like. Using standard Allen Bradley hardware, AirSequal achieves optimum productivity at an ROI that makes it affordable for every facility. Lead Compressor Rotation Checking all the boxes in compressor scheduling, AirSequal allows you to create a compressor rotation based on… Read more »
Category: Compressed Air Products
Air Compressors: The ins and outs of how these energy-converting machines work
So, you’ve been asked to purchase or repair an air compressor for your facility. You know, that noisy square box in the corner with the pipe connected to it. The box that everyone ignores until it stops running! Ever wondered what is actually going on inside that mysterious box to make it so important? While… Read more »
Why Should I Consider a Centrifugal Air Compressor?

If you’ve been around the compressor block a time or two, you may have heard of Centrifugal air compressors before. These extra-large, energy-converting machines are well known for their efficiency and size. If your facility production requires 500 HP or more, you should be considering a Centrifugal air compressor. Efficiency meets power Centrifugal air compressor… Read more »
Winter Temps & Your Compressed Air Equipment: the Do’s for Surviving the Season

Winter brings an air of excitement, holiday cheer, and the accomplishment of another year. But, it also brings cold weather. And if there are two things that don’t go well together, it’s freezing temperatures and your compressed air equipment. When heading into the chillier season, there are simple steps you should take to ensure that… Read more »
Used Compressed Air Equipment: things to consider & benefits of buying used

Used compressed air equipment; it’s an option that is often overlooked by companies in the market for a new system. But should it be? Yeah, we know, you’re thinking “used equipment”? We’re not endorsing the equivalent of old hand-me-downs from your next-door neighbor. We’re talking about purchasing top-of-line, refurbished, and trusted equipment from a company… Read more »
Water in Your Air Lines: How to Address and Prevent Moisture Issues

So, you’ve got water in your compressed air lines. Water collection is a common issue at many facilities. If left untreated, the water can cause rust to build up on valves, damaging expensive equipment and compromising your compressed air quality. To correct it, and to prevent recurring water issues, it’s important to understand where all… Read more »