Manufacturers and compressed air professionals do their best to ensure that your compressed air system is an unsinkable ship. But, the reality is that nothing is perfect; and your compressed air system is no different.
Your primary compressor system can go offline for a number of reasons.
Some of these include:
- Unforeseen maintenance requirements
- Foreseen routine maintenance
- Mechanical glitches
- Electrical issues
- Part failure
The list could go on for a while.
If you’re questioning the necessity of a backup compressed air system, our professionals at Blake & Pendleton think it’s a worthy investment.
1) Time
As the saying goes, time is a fickle and unpredictable thing.
When your primary compressor fails for any of the reasons listed above, your downtime becomes the chief subject of interest. Not only could repairs take time that you can’t afford, part delivery may cause even more delay.
2) Rentals are very expensive
The cost of a rental will depend on whether you use a portable rental that is engine-driven or an electric compressor. Either route you take will cost a pretty penny to install and run.
- Portable rental: rent costing $1,000 – $3,000 per week + fuel cost = up to $10,000/month
- Electric rental: freight costs + wiring + start up costs; easily running $3,000 – $8,000/month
3) Rentals can present other issues
- Portable compressed air rentals typically do not have an after cooler. This will result in a lot of water being pumped into your system and will not be a suitable option for some facilities or for long term use.
- Electric rentals require access to electric power and more time devoted to set up. This may cause extended delays in your production that you can’t afford to have.
Not only will having a backup compressor help you avoid all of the most common issues listed here, it brings additional benefits:
Allows you to continue production without missing a beat
- Provides time to correctly assess your primary compressor and make the best decision on its care
- Gives your facility time for the required repairs or replacements without impacting your production
When selecting a backup compressor, here are a few considerations:
- Make sure your backup compressor is the appropriate size to handle your production
- Keep your backup compressor serviced and ready to step in when the need arises
- Run the backup compressor at least once per month; do not let it sit inactive for too long
For assistance with your backup compressor, a rental compressor, or service on any of your compressed air systems, contact our Blake & Pendleton professionals.